Process automation helps to avoid inefficient routine work, introduce more order and focus on core activities. This is evidenced by the incident and contract registers and the internal document signing system installed by Novian Systems in the Viada LT gas station network.
The development of a complex, geographically wide business inevitably raises the need to automate processes and activities, allowing saving time, as well as human and financial resources. Viada LT, the network managing more than 125 gas stations in Lithuania, has also faced this situation, and decided to entrust the automation of several different processes to Novian Systems.
Prior to starting cooperating with Novian Systems, Viada LT used a register of partners serving the gas stations’ core activity – fuel supply. The operation of gas stations is also inseparable from other “economic” issues that arise on a regular basis, such as the smooth operation of cash registers or coffee machines, supply of snacks, etc. In the long run, there is a need to systematise and analyse incidents related to these activities in order to effectively prevent them in the future.
There was a lack of efficiency in dealing with the large flows of contracts that do not include fuel trade but are necessary for the operation – absence of the register, so these contracts were accumulated in different places and in different forms, and required a lot of human resources to administer and maintain. There was also a need to streamline the processes for approving internal documents, which were carried out “manually”, which resulted in staff devoting part of their time to non-value-added routines.
After analysing Viada LT’s needs and expectations, Novian Systems has adapted the advanced Microsoft Power Platform technologies and implemented the necessary solutions.
Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft SharePoint Online and Microsoft Onedrive technologies were used to develop the required systems for Viada LT. The solutions developed with these technologies have made it possible to optimise the data collection, storage, recording, internal reconciliation and validation processes, which has significantly accelerated internal business processes and increased their efficiency.
The automation of the business processes of Viada LT gas station network allowed to simplify their management. The innovations introduced save significant human, financial and time resources on a daily basis and, most importantly, allow to access information in one place.
Among the most important advantages of the internal document approval system is not only the possibility to save a lot of paper and time, but also to have a convenient electronic document archive. In addition, this system has greatly simplified the process of approving acts internally.
The Incident Registration Solution implemented by Novian Systems allows the responsible employees to be informed about the incident in a timely manner and, with access to systematised information, to analyse the incidents and take preventive measures.
The introduced Contract Register makes it easier for responsible employees to find them, manage the information contained in the contracts, check payment or other conditions, and use other benefits offered by the system, such as receiving reminders about the expiration of the contract. Uploading all contracts to the digital register has made their management much easier.