Critical IT Infrastructure Managed Services

We provide critical IT infrastructure design, development and management services. We ensure that our client's IT infrastructure is used in a secure, effective and efficient manner.


Environment protection solutions

Environmental protection is one of the important areas of focus of Novian Systems. By implementing the ISO 14 001 standard, the company is committed to increasing environmental efficiency and constantly looking for ways to help other organizations achieve this goal in the development and implementation of IT products.

For this purpose, Novian Systems offers solutions that allow to manage the register of waste managers, facilitate the management of various types of waste, revenue management, administration of fees and charges, reduce waste accounting errors and automatically generate reports.

In cooperation with partners, the company's specialists have integrated their information systems with advanced systems for locating waste containers and vehicles, monitoring waste weighing and trash bin filling level, which increases the efficiency and transparency of waste management processes.

One of the company's most advanced projects is a unified product packaging and waste accounting information system. The system used in the private and government sectors tracks the entire cycle of packaging waste generation and disposal, thus helping to ensure transparency.

Inspections are performed in various stages, thus ensuring the traceability of the packaging waste path, collection of waste tax. This allows and prevents illegal waste management activities, including illegal waste disposal, and ensures that waste is managed only by specially authorized persons. The system can be used to account for packaging waste at the national level, to provide data to the European Commission, and to monitor the achievement of waste management objectives.

Our team has also successfully collaborated with the Swedish Environmental Research Institute of IVL, helping the countries of the Baltic Sea region to solve their waste management and disposal problems. The software has been developed to allow users to compare and select the most effective environmental management scenario based on life cycle assessment. This innovative solution is environmentally relevant and contributes to local and regional planning in terms of waste management.